Climate Week March 2014
Seminar at Harwell Oxford, Tuesday 18 March 2014
The Businessperson's Guide to Climate Change
A seminar on the apparent threats and hidden opportunities for business
Tuesday 18 March, 9:00-11:30, Harwell Oxford
"10 out of 10 – Great.  Made me realize there are big opportunities in creative solutions."
 – Sales training business director
"10 out of 10 – Really good."
 – Media and events CEO
"10 out of 10 – Enlightening and incentivising in equal measure."
 – Manufacturing business director
Climate Change is a hot topic – do you understand the implications for your business?
As part of national Climate Week, Harwell Oxford and Red Kite Enterprise and Environment have
joined up to offer a guide to the myths and realities, and to the threats and opportunities for profits that
businesses need to know.
Session speaker and facilitator is Red Kite's Robin Tucker.  He is not an environmentalist – he’s a businessperson who has learned about environmental issues. His experience combines 20 years of senior commercial, marketing and strategy roles at Mercer Management Consulting and Vodafone, with an Executive Director role at Natural England.
Having identified the value that environmental understanding can bring to businesses, he co-founded Red Kite Enterprise and Environment, a consulting firm that helps businesses gain value from technology and environmental issues.
This event is free for businesses in the area. Â
We are happy to discuss running similar events elsewhere, or customising one for your organisation.
Event details:
Tuesday 18th March 2014
9:00-11:30, followed by networking to 12:00
For full agenda, see the Eventbrite registration page
RAL Exhibition Centre
Harwell Oxford
Fermi Avenue,
Didcot, OX11 0QX
Directions: http://www.stfc.ac.uk/2489.aspx
Parking: Follow signs to RAL Event
Entry through RAL Main Reception, in front of the Diamond Light Source