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Experience – Environmental

Our experience covers a wide range of issues, sectors and organisations.  From satellite communications to energy supply to financial services.  From long-range business strategy to multi-million pound investment decisions to tactical pricing.


Here are a few examples of how we have helped businesses large and small to achieve benefits from their technology and skills.  Please contact us to learn more about our experience and capabilities.

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"Excellent work.  For me, this really puts in to perspective how we are all pulling in the same direction, for a greener future and a modernised service."


  –  Product manager, Business services company

A consumer-focused manufacturer and retailer wanted to shift its historic ‘command-and-control’ culture to one more empowered and adaptive.  

We showed how tackling environmental issues could be a positive first step on this journey, and move them from a ‘Responsive’ position to create value from environmental bridging

Sector: Consumer Products

Issue: Environment as part of Change Programme

For UK Government, we designed a phased grant system to support Britain's intermodal freight business  based on environmental benefits and a detailed understanding of the economics of intermodal freight and its competitors.  This supported the business while the management-led buyout team improved operations and marketing - by 2010 increasing turnover by 80% and volumes by 55%.  Government funding has been extended over 25 years, demonstrating the longevity of its design and environmental value.

Sector: Transport

Issue: Environmental Mode Shift Incentive Grant

An international technology service provider needed to understand the business opportunity from mass adoption of a 'smart' energy technology.  

We quantified the potential value for its clients (several £10ms) identified the capabilities required to capture it, and set out possible business models to profit from the opportunity

Sector: IT / Energy

Issue: New Environmental Market

At Natural England, our founder identified the opportunity to improve the processes delivering £400m/year of agri-environment scheme grants to farmers.  

This led to a programme which integrated data sources and reduced application times from 11 months to 8 weeks.  This enabled Natural England to triple the 'sales' of Higher Level Stewardship with the same resources, saving £8.8m/year (30%) of administration costs.

Sector: Public Sector

Issue: Efficient Delivery of Environment Scheme

A business services company wanted to be ready for customers asking about environmental issues.  

We assembled their environmental credentials for use in the sales process, and found cost-efficient next steps to improve their environmental performance, avoid 'red flags' and link it into their market positioning.

Sector: B2B services

Issue: Environmental Credentials

RKsq02 Expertise sail business environment strateg

An environmental consulting SME asked us to help explore new market opportunities and develop a 3-year growth plan to double in size.  

Working with their top team, we identified the 3 best potential areas for growth, and a quantified vision for the business in 3 years.  3 years later, the firm had succesfully doubled in revenue and staff, having exploited 2 of the opportunities and started on the third.

Sector: Environmental Consulting

Issue: Growth Strategy

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